Life Lessons (So Far)
The Deep and Formidable Robby Bennett The Deep and Formidable Robby Bennett

Life Lessons (So Far)

I get asked to do quite a few school career days. It is not lost on me that most kids attend hoping to simply see “magic tricks” but I also try to communicate to them some of the lessons I’ve learned that goes with the extensive amount of work that goes into my job that has nothing to do with performing or “magic tricks.” Having effectively been self-employed since the age of 13, with varying degrees of success at different times, I’ve gone through an unorthodox journey of trial and error.

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Utilizing Event Entertainment
The Deep and Formidable Robby Bennett The Deep and Formidable Robby Bennett

Utilizing Event Entertainment

This is it! You're moving forward with planning a big event! This could either be something you're doing as a passion project, a company event for which you are on a committee or a fundraiser for any type of organization. The to-do list is overwhelming, but as you check items off, you gain momentum and it all starts coming together. Naturally, there is a budget that you need to work within, but with everyone putting their heads together and pulling resources, that shouldn't be an issue...especially if you can source entertainment that will give you a "deal." That's where the mistakes begins.

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The Crystal Curse
The Deep and Formidable Robby Bennett The Deep and Formidable Robby Bennett

The Crystal Curse

Towards the beginning of time, when humanity was still shiny and new, a fairy lived among the fields of flowers and in her home in the woods. Her people lived on their own watching the humans develop and helping when they could, but being careful to not mingle with them too much. This particular fairy was especially curious, and liked to hide and watch the people, and interact with them on special occasions. They were trying to figure things out and develop the systems of their communities. They would make mistakes and stumble, and sometimes, she would help them get back up.

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The New Pharaoh
The Deep and Formidable Robby Bennett The Deep and Formidable Robby Bennett

The New Pharaoh

A long time ago in the seventh dynasty of ancient Egypt, a pharaoh died unexpectedly. Having no heirs, his brother Karnu was the only one left to become ruler of the great land. However, distraught by his brother’s death and not wanting anyone to think that he had anything to do with it, he stated that he would not take the throne. Luckily, his brother’s magi and longtime loyal servant to the family was there.

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